About the Organisation
The organization “Nikhila Utkal Harijan Adivasi Seva Sangha” established in the year-1991 is a non-profit making and non- political voluntary organization. It is one state level and mass-based organization. The policy decisions are taken up in general body meetings, whereas the administrative and financial powers are entrusted with the executive committee. Its accounts are regularly audited by Chartered Accountants and it is accountable to its donors and the government in respect of income and expenditure. The core areas of its activities are education, health, social defence, forest development, Care of the aged and women- empowerment etc.
NUHASS envisages a society which is based on basic human values like liberty, equality, justice, compassion and universal brotherhood and a society which is free from all kinds of exploitation.
To assure dignity and justice to the most disadvantaged sections of the society by empowering them so that they can ask for their just right from the society and also to ensure that there is no discrimination on grounds of castes, class, religion, region or creed.
Legal Status
- Registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860) bearing Regn. No.19491/104 of 1993-94 dated 03.12.1993.
- Registered under FCR Act 1976, bearing No.104830163, dated 18.03.2005.
- Registered u/s 12(A) of Income Tax Exemption Act, 1961 bearing no.Judi/122/12A/95-96 dtd. 14.06.1996
- Registered under TAN-C Act bearing No.BBNNOO445E
- Registration U/S 80G of income tax Act, 1961 bearing no.ITO (Tech)/80g-05/2011-12 dtd. 02.09.2011
- Registered under PWD Act 1995 bearing No.259/SSEPD of 2016 BBSR Dtd. 23.08.2016.
Area of Operation
At present the Organization is confined to work in the Districts of Bhadrak, Khurda, Sambalpur, Sundargarh and Jharsuguda.
Strategy of the Organization
- Advocacy.
- Media activism.
- Mass Sensitization.
- Public Outreach.
- Capacity Development
- Partnership coalition building.
- Net-Working
- Pressure group formation.
Focus Area of Activity
- Education
- Health
- Social Security
- Aged Care
- Livelihood Promotion
- Forest Preservation and Promotion
- Tribal Development
- Women Empowerment